Results for 'Leon S. Kirzhner'

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  1.  13
    Problem of method and Subject in the early philosophy of S.L. Rubinstein.Leon S. Kirzhner - 2021 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 2 (3).
    The article examines a number of methodological and conceptual features in the philosophical work of S.L. Rubinstein of the early (Marburg) period. It is assumed that the copies of Rubinstein’s doctoral inaugural dissertation available at the university of Marburg (Germany) and it the private archive of K.A. Abulkhanova represents two parts of one research, which understated expect in it’s first part (the text submitted for defense) an interpretation and criticism of Hegel’s absolute rationalism, and in the second part an exposition (...)
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    Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection.Leon S. Roudiez (ed.) - 1982 - Cambridge University Press.
    Powers of Horror is an excellent introduction to an aspect of contemporary French literature which has been allowed to become somewhat neglected in the current emphasis on para-philosophical modes of discourse.".
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    Motor Vehicle Injuries: The Law and the Profits.Leon S. Robertson - 1989 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 17 (1):69-72.
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    Presentation du Colloque Artaud/Bataille.Leon S. Roudiez - 1972 - Substance 2 (5/6):199.
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    Lecture ou peut-etre minage "D'Enigma".Leon S. Roudiez - 1976 - Substance 5 (13):57.
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    Strangers to Ourselves.Leon S. Roudiez (ed.) - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is concerned with the notion of the "stranger" -the foreigner, outsider, or alien in a country and society not their own- as well as the notion of strangeness within the self -a person's deep sense of being, as distinct from outside appearance and their conscious idea of self. Kristeva begins with the personal and moves outward by examining world literature and philosophy. She discusses the foreigner in Greek tragedy, in the Bible, and in the literature of the Middle (...)
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    Time for Love.Leon S. Brenner & Katherine Everitt - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (3):369-376.
    Alain Badiou offers a distinctive interpretation of time, anchored in his unique metaphysics and philosophy of the event. For Badiou, time is interventional, demarcating a disjunction between two incommensurable sequences of rupture in human history. The concept of disjunction occupies a pivotal role in Badiou’s philosophy of both love and time. This paper provides a comprehensive examination of the temporality of love within the context of Badiou's philosophy. We argue that, when viewed through Badiou’s philosophical lens, love provides an invaluable (...)
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    Nations Without Nationalism.Leon S. Roudiez (ed.) - 1993 - Cambridge University Press.
    Kristeva points to Montesquieu's esprit général -- his notion of the social body as a guaranteed hierarchy of private rights -- in this humanistic plea for tolerance and commonality.
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    Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia.Leon S. Roudiez (ed.) - 1989 - Cambridge University Press.
    In _Black Sun_, Julia Kristeva addresses the subject of melancholia, examining this phenomenon in the context of art, literature, philosophy, the history of religion and culture, as well as psychoanalysis. She describes the depressive as one who perceives the sense of self as a crucial pursuit and a nearly unattainable goal and explains how the love of a lost identity of attachment lies at the very core of depression's dark heart. In her discussion she analyzes Holbein's controversial 1522 painting "The (...)
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    Tales of Love.Leon S. Roudiez (ed.) - 1987 - Cambridge University Press.
    Her analysis deals with the role of narcissism and idealization in the formation of a love object. She accounts for the role of the death drive by coining the term "love/hate.".
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    Abortion and infant mortality before and after the 1973 US Supreme Court decision on abortion.Leon S. Robertson - 1981 - Journal of Biosocial Science 13 (3):275-280.
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    Reaction time to noise bursts of different durations.David S. Emmerich, Leon S. Gruenfeld & Alan R. Wiesenfeld - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (2):422.
  13.  65
    Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection.Deborah Linderman, Julia Kristeva & Leon S. Roudiez - 1984 - Substance 13 (3/4):140.
  14.  30
    Kristeva's Imaginary Father and the Crisis in the Paternal FunctionBlack Sun: Depression and MelancholiaIn the Beginning Was Love: Psychoanalysis and FaithPowers of HorrorStrangers to OurselvesTales of Love. [REVIEW]Kelly Oliver, Julia Kristeva, Leon S. Roudiez & Leon Roudiez - 1991 - Diacritics 21 (2/3):43.
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  15. Transcranial magnetic stimulation and the human brain: an ethical evaluation.Megan S. Steven & Pascual-Leone & Alvaro - 2005 - In Judy Illes, Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy. Oxford University Press.
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    Buddhism in China, a Historical Survey.Leon Hurvitz & Kenneth K. S. Chen - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (3):448.
  17. Can an African-American historical archaeology be an alternative voice.Mark P. Leone, Paul R. Mullins, Marian C. Creveling, Laurence Hurst, Barbara Jackson-Nash, Lynn D. Jones, Hannah Jopling Kaiser, George C. Logan & Mark S. Warner - 1995 - In Ian Hodder, Interpreting archaeology: finding meaning in the past. New York: Routledge.
  18.  20
    Platon. [REVIEW]R. S. & Leon Robin - 1936 - Journal of Philosophy 33 (8):217.
  19.  8
    (1 other version)English Poetry: And its Contribution to the Knowledge of a Creative People.Leone Vivante & T. S. Eliot - 1950 - Southern Illinois University Press.
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    Commercial mHealth Apps and Unjust Value Trade-offs: A Public Health Perspective.Leon W. S. Rossmaier - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (3):277-288.
    Mobile health (mHealth) apps for self-monitoring increasingly gain relevance for public health. As a mobile technology, they promote individual participation in health monitoring with the aim of disease prevention and the mitigation of health risks. In this paper, I argue that users of mHealth apps must engage in value trade-offs concerning their fundamental dimensions of well-being when using mobile health apps for the self-monitoring of health parameters. I particularly focus on trade-offs regarding the user’s self-determination as well as their capacity (...)
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  21.  18
    Prawda ekonomiczna według Jana Pawła II.O. S. B. O. Leon Stefan Knabit - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (1):13-18.
    It is important to specify terms – the truth is conformity of a word to a thing or an event, whereas a lie is making the truth unavailable to someone who has the right to it. John Paul II promoted the essential truth that a man is God’s creation; God knows what is good for his creation; human person is God’s image, then should act in such a manner that the image is clear. Faith has moral dimension-it is moral dimension. (...)
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    The Awakening of Faith, Attributed to AśvaghoshaThe Awakening of Faith, Attributed to Asvaghosha.Leon Hurvitz & Yoshito S. Hakeda - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (2):429.
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  23. Been in the Storm so Long: The Aftermath of Slavery.Leon F. Litwack, Philip S. Foner & Ronald L. Lewis - 1981 - Science and Society 45 (3):357-360.
  24.  36
    Long-form recordings in low- and middle-income countries: recommendations to achieve respectful research.Mathilde Léon, Shoba S. Meera, Anne-Caroline Fiévet & Alejandrina Cristia - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (1):96-111.
    The last decade has seen a rise in big data approaches, including in the humanities, whereby large quantities of data are collected and analysed. In this paper, we discuss long-form audio recordings that result from individuals wearing a recording device for many hours. Linguists, psychologists and anthropologists can use them, for example, to study infants’ or adults’ linguistic behaviour. In the past, recorded individuals and communities have resided in high-income countries (HICs) almost exclusively. Recognising the need for better representation of (...)
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    Categories of Thought and Variations in Meaning: a Demonstration Experiment.Leon Rappoport & Gary S. Gilbert - 1975 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 5 (2):419-424.
  26. Problems of the Chinese Revolution.E. H. S., Leon Trotsky & Max Shachtman - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (2):263.
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    ‘I’m Gonna Speak for Me’ I-Poems and the Situated Knowledges of Sex Workers.Maggie Buckridge, Jules Lowman & Chrysanthi S. Leon - 2022 - Ethics and Social Welfare 16 (2):214-218.
    In academic and political spaces, as well as in the dominant culture in the United States, sex workers are granted little authority, and their lived experiences are not privileged as a form of valuable knowledge. As feminist scholars, we seek to counter this pattern by highlighting the situated knowledges and agency of sex workers in the United States. To do so, we share the words of sex workers through I-poems. I-poems are a form of poetic inquiry and a method for (...)
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  28. Toward a Value-Sensitive Absorptive Capacity Framework: Navigating Intervalue and Intravalue Conflicts to Answer the Societal Call for Health.Onno S. W. F. Omta, Léon Jansen, Oana Branzei, Vincent Blok & Jilde Garst - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (6):1349-1386.
    The majority of studies on absorptive capacity (AC) underscore the importance of absorbing technological knowledge from other firms to create economic value. However, to preserve moral legitimacy and create social value, firms must also discern and adapt to (shifts in) societal values. A comparative case study of eight firms in the food industry reveals how organizations prioritize and operationalize the societal value health in product innovation while navigating inter- and intravalue conflicts. The value-sensitive framework induced in this article extends AC (...)
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    Pandora's Box Opens and Terence Crutcher Dies.Raina J. León - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):610.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:610 Feminist Studies 43, no. 3. © 2017 by Raina J. León Pandora’s Box Opens and Terence Crutcher Dies Raina J. León Fresh from the bath, my husband comes nude, beard trimmed, still glistening and pinked. He shares the fullness of his skin, freckles and moles in their constellations. What little fat on his lank jiggles, begs for pinch as he turns to the closet to dig. I am (...)
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  30. Jezelf zijn met de ander: Waar ligt precies de grens?Léon de Bruin & Nina S. de Boer - 2025 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 117 (1):32-36.
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    The book of Leon: philosophy of a fool.Leon Black - 2017 - New York: Gallery Books. Edited by J. B. Smoove & Iris Bahr.
    Everyone's favorite houseguest who never left, Leon Black (played by award-winning comedian JB Smoove on HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm) drops his wisdom and good-bad advice for the masses. Learn the secrets Larry David has gleaned from the Falstaff of television."--Amazon.
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    Dr. L. Wieger's Moral tenets and customs in China.Léon Wieger & L. Darout - 1913 - Ho-Kien-fu,: Catholic mission press. Edited by L. Davrout.
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    A Retrospective Study of Technology Business Incubators in the Philippines.Karlo S. Sira, Carmelo V. Ambut, Naci John C. Trance, Rayjand T. Gellamucho, Richard C. De Leon & Gabriel M. Salistre Jr - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1485-1502.
    This study aims to assess Technology Business Incubators under (TBIs) the Higher Education Institution Readiness for Innovation and Technopreneurship (HeIRIT) with the auspices of the UPSCALE Innovation Hub, University of the Philippines-Diliman and the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD). Twenty TBIs were identified to give feedback and used as study participants using a questionnaire created by researchers based on the existing DOST metrics. The study's findings provided insightful information for (...)
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    New books. [REVIEW]Philip Leon, A. E. Taylor, J. L. Stocks, F. C. S. Schiller, H. B. Acton, J. O. Wisdom, A. C. Ewing & J. H. Woodger - 1936 - Mind 45 (179):388-403.
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    Ken Wilber's Spectrum Model.Leon Schlamm - 2004 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 9:113-158.
    In this paper I identify two problematic strands of Wilber's transpersonal theory. Firstly, I question Wilber's claim that his spectrum model is supported by the materials of all the world's major mystical traditions, arguing that his integral, hierarchical perspective privileges some traditions, while distorting others. Drawing heavily upon Andrew Rawlins on's recent, taxonomic study of mystical traditions, which identifies four authentic routes to spiritual emancipation (Cool Structured, Cool Unstructured, Hot Structured and Hot Unstructured), I argue that while Wilber's model, itself (...)
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    (1 other version)Formalizing Church's Thesis.Leon Horsten - 2006 - In A. Olszewski, J. Wole'nski & R. Janusz, Church's Thesis After Seventy Years. Ontos Verlag. pp. 1--253.
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    The Network Theory of Psychiatric Disorders: A Critical Assessment of the Inclusion of Environmental Factors.Nina S. de Boer, Leon C. de Bruin, Jeroen J. G. Geurts & Gerrit Glas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Borsboom and colleagues have recently proposed a “network theory” of psychiatric disorders that conceptualizes psychiatric disorders as relatively stable networks of causally interacting symptoms. They have also claimed that the network theory should include non-symptom variables such as environmental factors. How are environmental factors incorporated in the network theory, and what kind of explanations of psychiatric disorders can such an “extended” network theory provide? The aim of this article is to critically examine what explanatory strategies the network theory that includes (...)
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    First person plural: Self-unity and self-multiplicity in theology's dialogue with psychology.Léon P. Turner - 2007 - Zygon 42 (1):7-24.
    Abstract.In contradistinction to the contemporary human sciences, recent theological accounts of the individual‐in‐relation continue to defend the concept of the singular continuous self. Consequently, theological anthropology and the human sciences seem to offer widely divergent accounts of the sense of self‐fragmentation that many believe pervades the modern world. There has been little constructive interdisciplinary conversation in this area. In this essay I address the damaging implications of this oversight and establish the necessary conditions for future dialogue. I have three primary (...)
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    Buddha's Word in China.Leon Hurvitz & J. W. de Jong - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (4):617.
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    Toward a More Natural Science: Biology and Human Affairs.Robert S. Morison & Leon R. Kass - 1986 - Hastings Center Report 16 (1):43.
    Book reviewed in this article: Toward a More Natural Science: Biology and Human Affairs. By Leon R. Kass.
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    What's new.Leon Felkins - manuscript
    I have written a major essay on the problems that vagueness causes in governance and the way government and politicians take advantage of these problems. It is online at
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    Poverty's paradoxes and intractable dilemmas.Leon Felkins - manuscript
    The hottest political news at the end of January, 2001, were the stories about President Bush establishing, by Executive Order, the "Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives" , and his push for allowing religious groups to receive public funds for social service efforts. Bush and his new Attorney General, Ashcroft, have been strong proponents for federal funding of "faith-based" charity organizations (in fact, Ashcroft, when he was a senator, was the prime mover of the "Charitable Choice" initiative in the "Personal (...)
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    Founding God's Nation: Reading Exodus.Leon R. Kass - 2021 - Yale University Press.
    _A chapter-by-chapter explanation of the Book of Exodus, revealing its wisdom about nation building and people formation__ "Kass draws from Exodus’ record of the founding of Judaism timely—even urgent—universal lessons about twenty-first-century preconditions for human flourishing in any community. Compelling modern reflections on ancient wisdom.”—Bryce Christensen, _Booklist_ (starred review)_ In this long-awaited follow-up to his 2003 book on Genesis, humanist scholar Leon Kass explores how Exodus raises and then answers the central political questions of what defines a nation and (...)
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    Issues of knowledge in the policy of self-determination for aboriginal Australian communities.Helen Watson-Verran’S. & Leon White’S. - 1993 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 6 (1):67-78.
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    The Genesis of Fear: AIDS and the Public's Response to Science.Leon Eisenberg - 1986 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 14 (5-6):243-249.
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    My Father's Choice.Angela Tehaan Leone - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (4):559.
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    Godel's Disjunction: The Scope and Limits of Mathematical Knowledge.Leon Horsten & Philip Welch (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    The logician Kurt Godel in 1951 established a disjunctive thesis about the scope and limits of mathematical knowledge: either the mathematical mind is equivalent to a Turing machine (i.e., a computer), or there are absolutely undecidable mathematical problems. In the second half of the twentieth century, attempts have been made to arrive at a stronger conclusion. In particular, arguments have been produced by the philosopher J.R. Lucas and by the physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose that intend to show that the (...)
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  48.  44
    Tadeusz Czeżowski's logical writings.Leon Gumański - 1981 - Studia Logica 40 (2):203-207.
  49.  21
    Josh Milburn’s Just Fodder: The Ethics of Feeding Animals.Leon Borgdorf - 2024 - Food Ethics 9 (1):1-8.
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    Rethinking Aristotle's "Thought": A Response to James E. Ford.Leon Rosenstein - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 4 (3):597-606.
    Let me repeat one of my main points of my article: that "all three subjects of tragedy—plot, character, and thought—are reciprocal and correlative concretizations of a particular action and that thought bears this relation and makes its appearance with respect to each . . . in a definite way."1 This would be "understanding the interdependence or reciprocity of the three objects of imitation as functioning dynamically within an organic unity" . Thus, in one of the instances to which Ford refers, (...)
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